Friday, October 14, 2011

Waiting for fall...

We are continuing to settle in here at the home office. We have found a wonderful church to serve at and have just started to get involved in their children's ministry. I am doing puppets :) and helping with a class and it looks like David may be teaching one of the classes! We are so excited to be involved in children's ministry together again and look forward to meeting more people through this ministry! The boys are also really enjoying their classes, which is WONDERFUL!
David is enjoying the finance office. It looks like it will be a busy week, next week with several people being out of the office. In addition, one co-worker is stepping out of the office, and another has had some major health issues and won't be back in for a while. So David is getting plenty opportunities to learn the various jobs.
We continue to keep our eyes open for a good home in the area for our family. PLEASE PRAY that we would have wisdom to choose a good time and location for the move. Also that our support level would get to a place where this would be doable!
The boys and I have been very much enjoying life at home. We are waiting for some fall weather to come in, but it is nice to have a few cooler days here and there to explore the outdoors. Here are a few pictures of our sweet little guys....

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The sun is parked next to the palm tree

WERE HERE!! After five years of training and getting ready we are finally settling into our roles in New Tribes Mission. We are serving at the New Tribes Mission home office in Sanford, Florida. David is working in the finance office, where they handle all the financial aspects of all the US missionaries. It is so neat to be apart of and see all that needs to go on here, so that our overseas co-workers can share God's story with tribes all over the world!

"The sun is parked next to the palm tree" is something Elijah said one of the first days we were here. The office building (which is also where our apartment is) is in a beautiful location. We are enjoying exploring the area. The boys are liking their new home, thankfully they adjust well to moving around from place to place. Thanks for your prayers and support in getting us here! We could not do this without you and we are so thankful for the opportunity to be apart of this great work God is doing! ALSO, let us know if you are ever in the area. We would love to give you a tour and show you all that goes on here!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Birthday Boys

Elijah 2 days old

Our 3 year old. We took him mini golfing for his b-day. He loves to mini golf and was actually beating us the first couple holes!

Silas at the hospital

Playing with his new toy in the midst of our moving mess.

Happy Birthday to the 2 cutest boys I know!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Big Weekend

This past weekend was a busy one for us. On Saturday we had a birthday party for the boys! It is so hard to believe they are already nearly 1 and 3! Our home/sending church commissioned us on Sunday, and then on Monday we pulled out and started the trip to Florida! This is what these past 5 years have been all in preparation for. Can't believe we are finally to this day. We are definitely excited to get settled in and begin this new stage!

Enjoying his birthday treat

Almost 3!


all ready to head out

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Moving time...

Well it's that time of year again where we pack up all our stuff and move to the next one. We are excited to say (if you haven't heard by now) that we are heading down to Florida this summer to serve at New Tribes Mission's home office. David will be working in the finance office. He will be taught how to do all the jobs in that office with the goal of becoming the assistant finance office manager. What a joy to have a part in reaching those who have never heard of Christ. We are so thankful to be able to fill in one of the many jobs it takes to be a part of God's work in tribal missions!! We can't wait to start!

Our little helper