Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Big Weekend

This past weekend was a busy one for us. On Saturday we had a birthday party for the boys! It is so hard to believe they are already nearly 1 and 3! Our home/sending church commissioned us on Sunday, and then on Monday we pulled out and started the trip to Florida! This is what these past 5 years have been all in preparation for. Can't believe we are finally to this day. We are definitely excited to get settled in and begin this new stage!

Enjoying his birthday treat

Almost 3!


all ready to head out


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Moving time...

Well it's that time of year again where we pack up all our stuff and move to the next one. We are excited to say (if you haven't heard by now) that we are heading down to Florida this summer to serve at New Tribes Mission's home office. David will be working in the finance office. He will be taught how to do all the jobs in that office with the goal of becoming the assistant finance office manager. What a joy to have a part in reaching those who have never heard of Christ. We are so thankful to be able to fill in one of the many jobs it takes to be a part of God's work in tribal missions!! We can't wait to start!

Our little helper
