Friday, July 17, 2009

Back from "the bush"

Well, we have returned to civilization. There are too many pictures for one post so I'll try to spread them out and update you over a couple posts.
We moved up to Jungle Camp on June 13th. We had from Midnight until 5:00 to get everything up there. David took up 15 trips of stuff, I took up 7, and a classmate helped with 3! Needless to say, we were very glad to be done!
The staff provided dinner for us the first night so we didn't have to worry about cooking and could focus on settling in. It was so good to finally be up there. However, that night we already began to realize things that we would have done differently, like make our shelves more sturdy. I started putting all of our canned meats and peaches onto the shelf I designed just for that. I was working in a different room and I heard a crash. Our shelf had fallen breaking 6 or our jars and leaving us with a huge mess. Finally after cleaning up the mess, we headed to our Jungle Camp bed, hoping it would not break too!

David's final load

Elijah's room where we dropped off all our stuff

We were VERY happy when he offered to help!

Our canned peaches on the "floor" :(

We are now on summer break traveling around the states to visit with family and friends, look forward to see you all this summer!

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