As many of you may know we have spent the last month or so back and forth between Michigan and Pennsylvania visiting family, mooching off the parents and living out of suitcase. When it was almost time to leave PA for Michigan, David noticed our vehicle was acting funny and there was a problem with the steering. Unfortunately, this was discovered just before the weekend when no one is available to check out the problem and we had to wait until monday (the day we were supposed to leave for Michigan) to even see about getting it fixed. Thankfully my family knows a mechanic real well who is close to their house and was able to look at the car. He wasn't sure right off what the problem was but it didnt look good. I started to wonder if I would ever make it to Canada with our plans seeming to get set back. But, the Lord is faithful, and the mechanic fixed our car the next morning (a 3 hour job). We were so appreciative that he was able to fit us in and we were able to be on our way Tuesday afternoon. The bad news... it cost us 600 dollars for the fix and he also found another problem with our vehicle that needs to be fixed before the cold weather hits. Unexpected expenses are not fun! On a more exciting note... we have been very encouraged to see our support comming along well!! Throught our time with family and friends, many people began to tell us their desire to be a part of this ministry.. which was so neat to see and we are so thankful for each of you and so thankful to the Lord for His provision! Although it was great fun, we are excited that we have finally made it to Canada and are moving into our new place! I will update on life here.. once we get a bit more settled in and have some pictures to show, in the meantime... Here our some pictures of what we did while visiting family!

Trying to give him a taste of my favorite restraunt, Chickfila!

Ekijah had many visitors

but, there was time to rest too

One of his first smiles at 5 weeks exciting!!!

Us at Shady Maple

We took him for his first swim... then he wanted to do some sunbathing

Camping with my family at Yogi Bear Campground

My Grandparents and Aunt Jenny got to visit

The family at cousin Chris and Sam's wedding

My Best friends Bridal Shower

Uncle Jason with Elijah

We spent a day back in Jackson for some doctors appointments and visited friends while we were there!

Napping with Grandpa

Playing a wild game of Dominoes

Taking family pictures

Elijah in his adorable Sunday outfit.. with shoes!!

And off to Canada!!