Today is day of prayer. We have it once a month. We don't have classes in the morning, instead we spend the 1st half of the morning hearing presentations on two countries. Then, we spend the 2nd half praying for various countries and the works that are going on there. Today was my turn,I, along with 2 other classmates gave a presentation on Papua New Guinea. My job was to share about the Tribal Works that New Tribes is currently involved in. Missionaries in NTM alone are planting churches in nearly 70 LANGUAGE GROUPS. CRAZY! There are so many who need to hear yet. I really enjoyed reading about what's going on in PNG but am also glad to have another speaking opportunity over with!
if you would like to learn more about PNG check it out here...
In other news, Elijah has been learning all sorts of new things in the last month. He can now crawl around, pull himself up on stuff, walk around the furniture, clap, and is the sporting 2 teeth! It has been so fun to watch him learn so many new things! We are just loving our little man!
Only 1 week of classes left before spring break (WE GET TO GO TO FLORIDA!). Time is flying here. We have just been given a booklet with information about jungle camp this summer. For those of you who don't know, we will be living in the woods for a month. We will build our house out of wood and duct tape and have one day to move our supplies (food and whatever we need for daily living) up. The point of this time is to learn how to prepare and to live in isolation and without many conveniences. We will not be able to go out until the end of the 4 weeks. Please pray for us as we make decisions and plan for this time! I tend to get stressed out just thinking about it.
As always here are some recent pictures....