We are beginning to understand how big of a project the stove is. At first, I (Rachel) was really enjoying the clay and thought it was great fun. We have been told that you never really get the oven finished. I spent all afternoon getting the clay molded just right and still have tons to do. David worked on more of the structure for the benches and counter areas. He also began working on a bay window for our bedroom, which is not only really neat but also gave us 2 extra feet for our bedroom ( we can only build 16x20 houses).
All in all it was a pretty good day, we are hoping to see some more progress in the next few days other than just layers of clay on the stove. It has been a really great time so far though, many families have been bringing up snacks throughout the day, babysitting for us, and even making us meals all so we can have lots of time to work on our houses.
Behind David are the poles for the structure of the counter and benches
Putting the 2nd layer of clay on the outside
We had to line the inside of the oven with "bush dirt" as it's called here. And then put a layer of clay above it. We had to slope it around just right so that when we open the damper we would get a draft in the oven part to bake with and when it is closed it will heat up the plates at the front for cooking on.
This is our "fridge"! We really don't see much use for this besides storing chocolate, but it's done and out of the way now.
Here's the progress on our stove by the end of today, hopefully we can get a fire going in it tommorow. The beastly thing sticking out the side is a project David has been working on for weeks now. That beautiful tank will allow us to get hot running water! Isn't my hubby the greatest?!?
Hopefully tomorrow we will have more than stove pictures for you. Please keep praying for us and our class as the days are long and we need lots of energy and motivation to keep going!
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