Friday, October 14, 2011

Waiting for fall...

We are continuing to settle in here at the home office. We have found a wonderful church to serve at and have just started to get involved in their children's ministry. I am doing puppets :) and helping with a class and it looks like David may be teaching one of the classes! We are so excited to be involved in children's ministry together again and look forward to meeting more people through this ministry! The boys are also really enjoying their classes, which is WONDERFUL!
David is enjoying the finance office. It looks like it will be a busy week, next week with several people being out of the office. In addition, one co-worker is stepping out of the office, and another has had some major health issues and won't be back in for a while. So David is getting plenty opportunities to learn the various jobs.
We continue to keep our eyes open for a good home in the area for our family. PLEASE PRAY that we would have wisdom to choose a good time and location for the move. Also that our support level would get to a place where this would be doable!
The boys and I have been very much enjoying life at home. We are waiting for some fall weather to come in, but it is nice to have a few cooler days here and there to explore the outdoors. Here are a few pictures of our sweet little guys....

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